Friday, May 17, 2013

Monday, May 13, 2013


Hello followers, this is RachelJ reporting!
Skyheart and I would like to apologize for the lack of content lately. Both of us have been really busy with real life while also maintaining our game time.  My summer vacation starts May 31st and I intend on working out a schuedle with Skyheart for uploading as well as just devoting more time to this site all together.  In the future we'd like to put up updated, step-by-step, easy tutorials as well as some Q&A.  Possibley even unseen footage of Onverse and our real lives could be coming!  Suggestions are highly appreciated. You can let us know what you want by messaging us in-game, on forums, profile messages, or just leave a commnt bellow. Thanks for your time and patience and we develop this blog!

Photo shoot 5/14/13

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Easter Update Summary

Easter Items -
Easter items can be found in the easter events area (hub region, events, egg hunt), fresh factory imports in the hub, and in the onverse store.

New Vault Items - (text is clickable)
- Chick mount 
- Flower power buggy
- Glowing flower wings

Wheel of Cars Game - (text is clickable)
 Description of game:  Purchase a key in the game area or get one from the gold key chest.  Equip the key and click on the wheel!  Cars are randomly generated.  You will always get a car but you might not always get the car you want.

- You can find a list of all 44 of the cars here.
Egg Hunt -
There are 2 kinds of eggs, the gold eggs and the regular Easter eggs.  Regular Easter eggs give you items such as the shoulder pets, magical seeds, and the different types of Easter eggs.  Put the Easter eggs and magical seeds in your home and next update they will "grow" into items of the developers choice.  Most likely fruity or springy furniture like last year.
The gold eggs are very rare and give you rainbow wings once found!  I believe only one spawns at a time and it is a guaranteed gift of rainbow wings.
To hunt the eggs you need an Easter basket which you can be found on the first 3 shopping pedestals at the egg hunt events area.


To find out more information about this update check out the Onverse news page, Onverse facebook page, and the Onverse announcements forums. (text is clickable)

Friday, February 22, 2013

Senior Guide

What is a Senior Guide?
Senior guides are the next rank above guides. Senior guides watch over the guides and answer a lot more questions from the community. Senior guides are always there for you if you need help and are very trustworty users.
I want to give a big thank you to the Onverse community!
Becoming a Senior Guide was a major for me. I love helping people and I love the responsibility.  This wasn’t something I planned for or even expected to happen. I am thankful for it though.  Every time I get a “thank you” it boosts my confidence a little bit more.
I love the Onverse community so much and I want you to all know that I’m here for you all.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Guide Bashing - Opinions

You may know my name, but you don’t know my story.
You have to realize that we are human beings too so we are bound to make mistakes. No matter how hard we try to be perfect, that will always be an expectation set too high.   

“Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Please come and get to know me before you judge me. I can promise you that I’m not what you expect. 
I love all the players and I’m not caught up in any so called “guide team clique”.  All of my close friends, friends and even my hubby are regular players (excluding Skyheart <3).  I answer every single player who PMs me and I will be there for any of you no matter if I know you or not!
Give us a chance and get to know us. Don't base your opinions on what you hear but what you know.

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Fine Details

The Fine Details
Poi codes -
Onverse poi codes are a way to get anywhere by simply typing a command in your local chat.  Poi means point of interest or place of instance. For a Poi code to work you must be in the correct instance or you will be sent to a default location ( the star on your map ).  For a complete list of poi codes please look here.
Lag Issues -
To make your Onverse Client faster you can try lowering your graphics setting through the options menu in Onverse (hit the [O] key) or you can try closing out of all background applications. To make your computer faster you can upgrade your RAM or get an External Hardrive. You can loo here for how to update your graphics driver.
Some causes of lag:
- Pets
- Opening friends menu
- 30+ people in one area
Onverse forum signatures -
Forum signatures are a cool and creative way to finish of any forum post.  The max size for forum signatures is 875 by 250. Here is a link on how to add forum signatures.  If you'd like to request a signature there are lots of great signature makers advertising on the forums and in game.
Vide capturing -
For taking videos on Onverse there are many different types of capturing devices you can use. Here are a few of them: Bandi Cam , Cam Studio  or FrapsThere are lots of editing sites as well but none I could personally recommend. 
Official Forum Events -
 Rate My Crib ( RMC ) -- designing a home specifically to a theme posted by the developers (more info in thread ).
Create a Shirt -- download the template onto your computer then edit to the design you desire.  Design will only qualify if is 100% original.
Top Screenshot -- different categories which you can enter in to win a prize. 
Viral Video -- Onverse video with pg-13 music uploaded to youtube.
Please note that all entries must be pg-13 and in accordance to the ToU.