Friday, January 25, 2013

Guide Bashing - Opinions

You may know my name, but you don’t know my story.
You have to realize that we are human beings too so we are bound to make mistakes. No matter how hard we try to be perfect, that will always be an expectation set too high.   

“Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Please come and get to know me before you judge me. I can promise you that I’m not what you expect. 
I love all the players and I’m not caught up in any so called “guide team clique”.  All of my close friends, friends and even my hubby are regular players (excluding Skyheart <3).  I answer every single player who PMs me and I will be there for any of you no matter if I know you or not!
Give us a chance and get to know us. Don't base your opinions on what you hear but what you know.

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