Friday, January 25, 2013

Guide Bashing - Opinions

You may know my name, but you don’t know my story.
You have to realize that we are human beings too so we are bound to make mistakes. No matter how hard we try to be perfect, that will always be an expectation set too high.   

“Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Please come and get to know me before you judge me. I can promise you that I’m not what you expect. 
I love all the players and I’m not caught up in any so called “guide team clique”.  All of my close friends, friends and even my hubby are regular players (excluding Skyheart <3).  I answer every single player who PMs me and I will be there for any of you no matter if I know you or not!
Give us a chance and get to know us. Don't base your opinions on what you hear but what you know.

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Fine Details

The Fine Details
Poi codes -
Onverse poi codes are a way to get anywhere by simply typing a command in your local chat.  Poi means point of interest or place of instance. For a Poi code to work you must be in the correct instance or you will be sent to a default location ( the star on your map ).  For a complete list of poi codes please look here.
Lag Issues -
To make your Onverse Client faster you can try lowering your graphics setting through the options menu in Onverse (hit the [O] key) or you can try closing out of all background applications. To make your computer faster you can upgrade your RAM or get an External Hardrive. You can loo here for how to update your graphics driver.
Some causes of lag:
- Pets
- Opening friends menu
- 30+ people in one area
Onverse forum signatures -
Forum signatures are a cool and creative way to finish of any forum post.  The max size for forum signatures is 875 by 250. Here is a link on how to add forum signatures.  If you'd like to request a signature there are lots of great signature makers advertising on the forums and in game.
Vide capturing -
For taking videos on Onverse there are many different types of capturing devices you can use. Here are a few of them: Bandi Cam , Cam Studio  or FrapsThere are lots of editing sites as well but none I could personally recommend. 
Official Forum Events -
 Rate My Crib ( RMC ) -- designing a home specifically to a theme posted by the developers (more info in thread ).
Create a Shirt -- download the template onto your computer then edit to the design you desire.  Design will only qualify if is 100% original.
Top Screenshot -- different categories which you can enter in to win a prize. 
Viral Video -- Onverse video with pg-13 music uploaded to youtube.
Please note that all entries must be pg-13 and in accordance to the ToU. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Photo Shoot

Onverse photo shoot 1


Skyheart - Introduction

Hello Onversians, This is Skyheart

We hope you find this blog helpful but bear with us as we are only just starting.  RachelJ and I hope to include lots of Onverse tutorials, shout outs, update buzz, and the works.  We’ll keep a monthly poll going but we haven’t set up any regular posting times just yet.  Keep us informed with what you want to see and your opinions on what we cover.

First of all,  let me introduce myself.  Some of you may know me and some might not.  :)  Just to clarify, I am Skyheart :) <3.

I started playing Onverse on January 09, 2011 when it was still the beta times,  which  means that I have been an Onverse member for about 2 years or so.  :) I actually began to play Onverse because one of my sister's showed me this game and I thought it was cool. I wish I had checked it out sooner.For the record,  Onverse is the best game I have ever played in my life!It makes my life happy and worth living.It is Awesome! It showed me how to be a better person/friend and  how to help others out when they are in need of help. It is really a fun game, especially if you get to play it a lot!You meet lots of nice people as well.  I became a Guide on October 22, 2012 and I love it.
My other hobbies are...listening to music, singing, random dancing, roller skating and, of course, sports!  I have been playing sports ever since I was a kid and I enjoy doing it through out my teenager years also.  I also love learning how to play the guitar and piano, which I enjoy doing:) I am a friendly person and I always will be.Sometimes I'm a shy girl and other times I'm not. LOL! I am honest in a relationship/friendship.  I do not like to be judged or to be forced to do something I do not want.:)
I enjoy riding horses and watching them since I do think they have more freedom than humans.Horses were meant to be wild and they always will be.Sometimes I wish I could be like them, with more freedom in life and the feeling that I can do anything I want and without someone controlling me to stop because I think I am doing it all right.I always say,"Freedom is Wild".Sometimes it goes fast and sometimes it goes slow and you lose it, so be sure you are doing what makes you happy and not what others want you to do or you're not comfortable with it.That  is all I have to say about me. :) Be HONEST and be a TRUE person/friend.  THANKS! 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Rachel - Introduction

Hello Onversians, This is RachelJ

We hope you find this blog helpful but bear with us as we are only just starting.  Skyheart and I hope to include lots of Onverse tutorials, shout outs, update buzz, and the works.  We’ll keep a monthly poll going but we haven’t set up any regular posting times just yet.  Keep us informed with what you want to see and your opinions on what we cover.

I’m going to start the first post off with introducing myself since most of you don’t know me very well.

I started playing Onverse on July 15th, 2011.  It was the first actual online virtual world and chatting game I had ever played.  I was introduced to the game by my in real life best friend Mackenzie ( Kaiya in Onverse ).  I love reading and will do anything for a good page turner.  I’ve been playing the piano and dancing ballet both for a little over 8 years. I plan on becoming a psychologist ( counselor ).  I’ve been a guide since August 18th, 2012.