Sunday, January 13, 2013

Skyheart - Introduction

Hello Onversians, This is Skyheart

We hope you find this blog helpful but bear with us as we are only just starting.  RachelJ and I hope to include lots of Onverse tutorials, shout outs, update buzz, and the works.  We’ll keep a monthly poll going but we haven’t set up any regular posting times just yet.  Keep us informed with what you want to see and your opinions on what we cover.

First of all,  let me introduce myself.  Some of you may know me and some might not.  :)  Just to clarify, I am Skyheart :) <3.

I started playing Onverse on January 09, 2011 when it was still the beta times,  which  means that I have been an Onverse member for about 2 years or so.  :) I actually began to play Onverse because one of my sister's showed me this game and I thought it was cool. I wish I had checked it out sooner.For the record,  Onverse is the best game I have ever played in my life!It makes my life happy and worth living.It is Awesome! It showed me how to be a better person/friend and  how to help others out when they are in need of help. It is really a fun game, especially if you get to play it a lot!You meet lots of nice people as well.  I became a Guide on October 22, 2012 and I love it.
My other hobbies are...listening to music, singing, random dancing, roller skating and, of course, sports!  I have been playing sports ever since I was a kid and I enjoy doing it through out my teenager years also.  I also love learning how to play the guitar and piano, which I enjoy doing:) I am a friendly person and I always will be.Sometimes I'm a shy girl and other times I'm not. LOL! I am honest in a relationship/friendship.  I do not like to be judged or to be forced to do something I do not want.:)
I enjoy riding horses and watching them since I do think they have more freedom than humans.Horses were meant to be wild and they always will be.Sometimes I wish I could be like them, with more freedom in life and the feeling that I can do anything I want and without someone controlling me to stop because I think I am doing it all right.I always say,"Freedom is Wild".Sometimes it goes fast and sometimes it goes slow and you lose it, so be sure you are doing what makes you happy and not what others want you to do or you're not comfortable with it.That  is all I have to say about me. :) Be HONEST and be a TRUE person/friend.  THANKS! 

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